Maintenance and safeguarding of mission critical equipment is vital for achieving the greatest value and peace of mind from your investment.
Unmanaged power supply is responsible for a huge proportion of downtime suffered by IT equipment. The consequences of sudden unexpected power failures can result in severe financial and/or safety costs.
Prism Power is constantly vigilant to both Power and IT industry developments. We focus on the design and manufacture of resilient and reliable solutions to enhance productivity, limit risk and assure you achieve the control and cost performance you need.
Intelligent monitoring is essential in providing early warning of critical conditions. By forewarning the outage can be avoided, but if the outage is unavoidable the logged data will allow you to track back to investigate any issues.
With the ability to accurately measure and monitor the power consumption within a building you are now able to predict and possibly reduce kilowatt hour consumption, improve energy efficiency, lower carbon emissions and directly impact bottom-line costs for your business.